import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as util from '../../src/util'; import path from 'path'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import {JavaBase} from '../../src/distributions/base-installer'; import { JavaDownloadRelease, JavaInstallerOptions, JavaInstallerResults } from '../../src/distributions/base-models'; import os from 'os'; class EmptyJavaBase extends JavaBase { constructor(installerOptions: JavaInstallerOptions) { super('Empty', installerOptions); } protected async downloadTool( javaRelease: JavaDownloadRelease ): Promise<JavaInstallerResults> { return { version: '11.0.9', path: path.join( 'toolcache', this.toolcacheFolderName, '11.0.9', this.architecture ) }; } protected async findPackageForDownload( range: string ): Promise<JavaDownloadRelease> { const availableVersion = '11.0.9'; if (!semver.satisfies(availableVersion, range)) { throw new Error('Available version not found'); } return { version: availableVersion, url: `some/random_url/java/${availableVersion}` }; } } describe('findInToolcache', () => { const actualJavaVersion = '11.0.8'; const javaPath = path.join('Java_Empty_jdk', actualJavaVersion, 'x64'); let mockJavaBase: EmptyJavaBase; let spyGetToolcachePath: jest.SpyInstance; let spyTcFindAllVersions: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { spyGetToolcachePath = jest.spyOn(util, 'getToolcachePath'); spyTcFindAllVersions = jest.spyOn(tc, 'findAllVersions'); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it.each([ [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11.0', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11.0.8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11.0', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11.0.8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false }, null ], [ { version: '8', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, null ], [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, null ], [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false }, null ] ])(`should find java for path %s -> %s`, (input, expected) => { spyTcFindAllVersions.mockReturnValue([actualJavaVersion]); spyGetToolcachePath.mockImplementation( (toolname: string, javaVersion: string, architecture: string) => { const semverVersion = new semver.Range(javaVersion); if ( path.basename(javaPath) !== architecture || !javaPath.includes(toolname) ) { return ''; } return semver.satisfies(actualJavaVersion, semverVersion) ? javaPath : ''; } ); mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase(input); expect(mockJavaBase['findInToolcache']()).toEqual(expected); }); it.each([ ['11', {version: '11.0.3+2', versionInPath: '11.0.3-2'}], ['11.0', {version: '11.0.3+2', versionInPath: '11.0.3-2'}], ['11.0.1', {version: '11.0.1', versionInPath: '11.0.1'}], ['11.0.3', {version: '11.0.3+2', versionInPath: '11.0.3-2'}], ['15', {version: '15.0.2+4', versionInPath: '15.0.2-4'}], ['x', {version: '15.0.2+4', versionInPath: '15.0.2-4'}], ['x-ea', {version: '17.4.4', versionInPath: '17.4.4-ea'}], [ '11-ea', {version: '11.3.3+5.2.1231421', versionInPath: '11.3.3-ea.5.2.1231421'} ], ['11.2-ea', {version: '11.2.1', versionInPath: '11.2.1-ea'}], ['11.2.1-ea', {version: '11.2.1', versionInPath: '11.2.1-ea'}] ])( 'should choose correct java from tool-cache for input %s', (input, expected) => { spyTcFindAllVersions.mockReturnValue([ '17.4.4-ea', '11.0.2', '15.0.2-4', '11.0.3-2', '11.2.1-ea', '11.3.2-ea', '11.3.2-ea.5', '11.3.3-ea.5.2.1231421', '12.3.2-0', '11.0.1' ]); spyGetToolcachePath.mockImplementation( (toolname: string, javaVersion: string, architecture: string) => `/hostedtoolcache/${toolname}/${javaVersion}/${architecture}` ); mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase({ version: input, architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }); const foundVersion = mockJavaBase['findInToolcache'](); expect(foundVersion).toEqual({ version: expected.version, path: `/hostedtoolcache/Java_Empty_jdk/${expected.versionInPath}/x64` }); } ); }); describe('setupJava', () => { const actualJavaVersion = '11.0.9'; const installedJavaVersion = '11.0.8'; const javaPath = path.join('Java_Empty_jdk', installedJavaVersion, 'x86'); const javaPathInstalled = path.join( 'toolcache', 'Java_Empty_jdk', actualJavaVersion, 'x86' ); let mockJavaBase: EmptyJavaBase; let spyGetToolcachePath: jest.SpyInstance; let spyTcFindAllVersions: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreDebug: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreInfo: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreExportVariable: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreAddPath: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCoreSetOutput: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { spyGetToolcachePath = jest.spyOn(util, 'getToolcachePath'); spyGetToolcachePath.mockImplementation( (toolname: string, javaVersion: string, architecture: string) => { const semverVersion = new semver.Range(javaVersion); if ( path.basename(javaPath) !== architecture || !javaPath.includes(toolname) ) { return ''; } return semver.satisfies(installedJavaVersion, semverVersion) ? javaPath : ''; } ); spyTcFindAllVersions = jest.spyOn(tc, 'findAllVersions'); spyTcFindAllVersions.mockReturnValue([installedJavaVersion]); // Spy on core methods spyCoreDebug = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); spyCoreDebug.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreInfo = jest.spyOn(core, 'info'); spyCoreInfo.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreAddPath = jest.spyOn(core, 'addPath'); spyCoreAddPath.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreExportVariable = jest.spyOn(core, 'exportVariable'); spyCoreExportVariable.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyCoreSetOutput = jest.spyOn(core, 'setOutput'); spyCoreSetOutput.mockImplementation(() => undefined); jest.spyOn(os, 'arch').mockReturnValue('x86'); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it.each([ [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, {version: installedJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11.0', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, {version: installedJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ { version: '11.0.8', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, {version: installedJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ], [ {version: '11', architecture: '', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false}, {version: installedJavaVersion, path: javaPath} ] ])('should find java locally for %s', async (input, expected) => { mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase(input); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).resolves.toEqual(expected); expect(spyGetToolcachePath).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Resolved Java ${expected.version} from tool-cache` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Setting Java ${expected.version} as the default` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Trying to resolve the latest version from remote' ); expect(spyCoreInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('Trying to download...'); }); it.each([ [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false }, { path: path.join('toolcache', 'Java_Empty_jre', '11.0.9', 'x86'), version: '11.0.9' } ], [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: false }, { path: path.join('toolcache', 'Java_Empty_jdk', '11.0.9', 'x64'), version: '11.0.9' } ], [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false }, { path: path.join('toolcache', 'Java_Empty_jre', '11.0.9', 'x64'), version: '11.0.9' } ], [ {version: '11', architecture: '', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false}, { path: path.join('toolcache', 'Java_Empty_jre', '11.0.9', 'x86'), version: '11.0.9' } ] ])('download java with configuration %s', async (input, expected) => { mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase(input); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).resolves.toEqual(expected); expect(spyGetToolcachePath).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreAddPath).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreExportVariable).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreExportVariable).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `JAVA_HOME_${input.version}_${( input.architecture || 'x86' ).toLocaleUpperCase()}`, expected.path ); expect(spyCoreSetOutput).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Trying to resolve the latest version from remote' ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Resolved latest version as ${expected.version}` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Trying to download...'); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Java ${expected.version} was downloaded` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Setting Java ${expected.version} as the default` ); }); it.each([ [ { version: '11.0.9', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: '11.0.9', path: javaPathInstalled} ], [ { version: '11.0.9', architecture: '', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: '11.0.9', path: javaPathInstalled} ] ])( 'should check the latest java version for %s and resolve locally', async (input, expected) => { mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase(input); mockJavaBase['findInToolcache'] = () => ({ version: '11.0.9', path: expected.path }); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).resolves.toEqual(expected); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Trying to resolve the latest version from remote' ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Resolved latest version as ${expected.version}` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Resolved Java ${expected.version} from tool-cache` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Setting Java ${expected.version} as the default` ); } ); it.each([ [ { version: '11', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPathInstalled} ], [ { version: '11.0', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPathInstalled} ], [ { version: '11.0.x', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true }, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPathInstalled} ], [ {version: '11', architecture: '', packageType: 'jdk', checkLatest: true}, {version: actualJavaVersion, path: javaPathInstalled} ] ])( 'should check the latest java version for %s and download', async (input, expected) => { mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase(input); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).resolves.toEqual(expected); expect(spyGetToolcachePath).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Trying to resolve the latest version from remote' ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Resolved latest version as ${actualJavaVersion}` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Trying to download...'); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Java ${actualJavaVersion} was downloaded` ); expect(spyCoreInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `Setting Java ${expected.version} as the default` ); } ); it.each([ [ { version: '15', architecture: 'x86', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false } ], [ { version: '11.0.7', architecture: 'x64', packageType: 'jre', checkLatest: false } ] ])( 'should throw an error for Available version not found for %s', async input => { mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase(input); await expect(mockJavaBase.setupJava()).rejects.toThrow( 'Available version not found' ); expect(spyTcFindAllVersions).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreAddPath).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreExportVariable).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCoreSetOutput).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); }); describe('normalizeVersion', () => { const DummyJavaBase = JavaBase as any; it.each([ ['11', {version: '11', stable: true}], ['11.0', {version: '11.0', stable: true}], ['11.0.10', {version: '11.0.10', stable: true}], ['11-ea', {version: '11', stable: false}], ['11.0.2-ea', {version: '11.0.2', stable: false}] ])('normalizeVersion from %s to %s', (input, expected) => { expect(, input)).toEqual( expected ); }); it('normalizeVersion should throw an error for non semver', () => { const version = '11g'; expect( DummyJavaBase.prototype.normalizeVersion.bind(null, version) ).toThrow( `The string '${version}' is not valid SemVer notation for a Java version. Please check README file for code snippets and more detailed information` ); }); }); describe('getToolcacheVersionName', () => { const DummyJavaBase = JavaBase as any; it.each([ [{version: '11', stable: true}, '11'], [{version: '11.0.2', stable: true}, '11.0.2'], [{version: '11.0.2+4', stable: true}, '11.0.2-4'], [{version: '11.0.2+4.1.2563234', stable: true}, '11.0.2-4.1.2563234'], [{version: '11.0', stable: false}, '11.0-ea'], [{version: '11.0.3', stable: false}, '11.0.3-ea'], [{version: '11.0.3+4', stable: false}, '11.0.3-ea.4'], [{version: '11.0.3+4.2.256', stable: false}, '11.0.3-ea.4.2.256'] ])('returns correct version name for %s', (input, expected) => { const inputVersion = input.stable ? '11' : '11-ea'; const mockJavaBase = new EmptyJavaBase({ version: inputVersion, packageType: 'jdk', architecture: 'x64', checkLatest: false }); const actual = mockJavaBase['getToolcacheVersionName'](input.version); expect(actual).toBe(expected); }); });