/** * @fileoverview this file provides methods handling dependency cache */ import { join } from 'path'; import os from 'os'; import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as glob from '@actions/glob'; const STATE_CACHE_PRIMARY_KEY = 'cache-primary-key'; const CACHE_MATCHED_KEY = 'cache-matched-key'; const CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = 'setup-java'; interface PackageManager { id: 'maven' | 'gradle' | 'sbt'; /** * Paths of the file that specify the files to cache. */ path: string[]; pattern: string[]; } const supportedPackageManager: PackageManager[] = [ { id: 'maven', path: [join(os.homedir(), '.m2', 'repository')], // https://github.com/actions/cache/blob/0638051e9af2c23d10bb70fa9beffcad6cff9ce3/examples.md#java---maven pattern: ['**/pom.xml'] }, { id: 'gradle', path: [join(os.homedir(), '.gradle', 'caches'), join(os.homedir(), '.gradle', 'wrapper')], // https://github.com/actions/cache/blob/0638051e9af2c23d10bb70fa9beffcad6cff9ce3/examples.md#java---gradle pattern: ['**/*.gradle*', '**/gradle-wrapper.properties'] }, { id: 'sbt', path: [ join(os.homedir(), '.ivy2', 'cache'), join(os.homedir(), '.sbt'), getCoursierCachePath(), // Some files should not be cached to avoid resolution problems. // In particular the resolution of snapshots (ideological gap between maven/ivy). '!' + join(os.homedir(), '.sbt', '*.lock'), '!' + join(os.homedir(), '**', 'ivydata-*.properties') ], pattern: ['**/*.sbt', '**/project/build.properties', '**/project/**.{scala,sbt}'] } ]; function getCoursierCachePath(): string { if (os.type() === 'Linux') return join(os.homedir(), '.cache', 'coursier'); if (os.type() === 'Darwin') return join(os.homedir(), 'Library', 'Caches', 'Coursier'); return join(os.homedir(), 'AppData', 'Local', 'Coursier', 'Cache'); } function findPackageManager(id: string): PackageManager { const packageManager = supportedPackageManager.find(packageManager => packageManager.id === id); if (packageManager === undefined) { throw new Error(`unknown package manager specified: ${id}`); } return packageManager; } /** * A function that generates a cache key to use. * Format of the generated key will be "${{ platform }}-${{ id }}-${{ fileHash }}"". * If there is no file matched to {@link PackageManager.path}, the generated key ends with a dash (-). * @see {@link https://docs.github.com/en/actions/guides/caching-dependencies-to-speed-up-workflows#matching-a-cache-key|spec of cache key} */ async function computeCacheKey(packageManager: PackageManager) { const hash = await glob.hashFiles(packageManager.pattern.join('\n')); return `${CACHE_KEY_PREFIX}-${process.env['RUNNER_OS']}-${packageManager.id}-${hash}`; } /** * Restore the dependency cache * @param id ID of the package manager, should be "maven" or "gradle" */ export async function restore(id: string) { const packageManager = findPackageManager(id); const primaryKey = await computeCacheKey(packageManager); core.debug(`primary key is ${primaryKey}`); core.saveState(STATE_CACHE_PRIMARY_KEY, primaryKey); if (primaryKey.endsWith('-')) { throw new Error( `No file in ${process.cwd()} matched to [${ packageManager.pattern }], make sure you have checked out the target repository` ); } const matchedKey = await cache.restoreCache(packageManager.path, primaryKey, [ `${CACHE_KEY_PREFIX}-${process.env['RUNNER_OS']}-${id}` ]); if (matchedKey) { core.saveState(CACHE_MATCHED_KEY, matchedKey); core.setOutput('cache-hit', matchedKey === primaryKey); core.info(`Cache restored from key: ${matchedKey}`); } else { core.setOutput('cache-hit', false); core.info(`${packageManager.id} cache is not found`); } } /** * Save the dependency cache * @param id ID of the package manager, should be "maven" or "gradle" */ export async function save(id: string) { const packageManager = findPackageManager(id); const matchedKey = core.getState(CACHE_MATCHED_KEY); // Inputs are re-evaluted before the post action, so we want the original key used for restore const primaryKey = core.getState(STATE_CACHE_PRIMARY_KEY); if (!primaryKey) { core.warning('Error retrieving key from state.'); return; } else if (matchedKey === primaryKey) { // no change in target directories core.info(`Cache hit occurred on the primary key ${primaryKey}, not saving cache.`); return; } try { await cache.saveCache(packageManager.path, primaryKey); core.info(`Cache saved with the key: ${primaryKey}`); } catch (error) { if (error.name === cache.ReserveCacheError.name) { core.info(error.message); } else { if (isProbablyGradleDaemonProblem(packageManager, error)) { core.warning( 'Failed to save Gradle cache on Windows. If tar.exe reported "Permission denied", try to run Gradle with `--no-daemon` option. Refer to https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/454 for details.' ); } throw error; } } } /** * @param packageManager the specified package manager by user * @param error the error thrown by the saveCache * @returns true if the given error seems related to the {@link https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/454|running Gradle Daemon issue}. * @see {@link https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/454#issuecomment-840493935|why --no-daemon is necessary} */ function isProbablyGradleDaemonProblem(packageManager: PackageManager, error: Error) { if (packageManager.id !== 'gradle' || process.env['RUNNER_OS'] !== 'Windows') { return false; } const message = error.message || ''; return message.startsWith('Tar failed with error: '); }