import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import {create as xmlCreate} from 'xmlbuilder2'; export const M2_DIR = '.m2'; export const SETTINGS_FILE = 'settings.xml'; export async function configAuthentication( id: string, username: string, password: string, gpgPassphrase: string | undefined = undefined ) { console.log( `creating ${SETTINGS_FILE} with server-id: ${id};`, 'environment variables:', `username=\$${username},`, `password=\$${password},`, `and gpg-passphrase=${gpgPassphrase ? '$' + gpgPassphrase : null}` ); // when an alternate m2 location is specified use only that location (no .m2 directory) // otherwise use the home/.m2/ path const settingsDirectory: string = path.join( core.getInput('settings-path') || os.homedir(), core.getInput('settings-path') ? '' : M2_DIR ); await io.mkdirP(settingsDirectory); core.debug(`created directory ${settingsDirectory}`); await write( settingsDirectory, generate(id, username, password, gpgPassphrase) ); } // only exported for testing purposes export function generate( id: string, username: string, password: string, gpgPassphrase: string | undefined = undefined ) { const xmlObj: {[key: string]: any} = { settings: { '@xmlns': '', '@xmlns:xsi': '', '@xsi:schemaLocation': '', servers: { server: [ { id: id, username: `\${env.${username}}`, password: `\${env.${password}}` } ] } } }; if (gpgPassphrase) { const gpgServer = { id: 'gpg.passphrase', passphrase: `\${env.${gpgPassphrase}}` }; xmlObj.settings.servers.server.push(gpgServer); } return xmlCreate(xmlObj).end({headless: true, prettyPrint: true, width: 80}); } async function write(directory: string, settings: string) { const location = path.join(directory, SETTINGS_FILE); if (fs.existsSync(location)) { console.warn(`overwriting existing file ${location}`); } else { console.log(`writing ${location}`); } return fs.writeFileSync(location, settings, { encoding: 'utf-8', flag: 'w' }); }