import { mkdtempSync } from 'fs'; import { tmpdir } from 'os'; import { join } from 'path'; import { computeCacheKey, findPackageManager, restore, save } from '../src/cache'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; describe('dependency cache', () => { const ORIGINAL_RUNNER_OS = process.env['RUNNER_OS']; const ORIGINAL_GITHUB_WORKSPACE = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE']; const ORIGINAL_CWD = process.cwd(); let workspace: string; let spyInfo: jest.SpyInstance>; let spyWarning: jest.SpyInstance>; let spyDebug: jest.SpyInstance>; let spySaveState: jest.SpyInstance>; beforeEach(() => { workspace = mkdtempSync(join(tmpdir(), 'setup-java-cache-')); switch (os.platform()) { case 'darwin': process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'macOS'; break; case 'win32': process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'Windows'; break; case 'linux': process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'Linux'; break; default: throw new Error(`unknown platform: ${os.platform()}`); } process.chdir(workspace); // This hack is necessary because @actions/glob ignores files not in the GITHUB_WORKSPACE // process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] = projectRoot(workspace); }); beforeEach(() => { spyInfo = jest.spyOn(core, 'info'); spyInfo.mockImplementation(() => null); spyWarning = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning'); spyWarning.mockImplementation(() => null); spyDebug = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); spyDebug.mockImplementation(() => null); spySaveState = jest.spyOn(core, 'saveState'); spySaveState.mockImplementation(() => null); }); afterEach(() => { process.chdir(ORIGINAL_CWD); process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] = ORIGINAL_GITHUB_WORKSPACE; process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = ORIGINAL_RUNNER_OS; resetState(); }); describe('restore', () => { let spyCacheRestore: jest.SpyInstance< ReturnType, Parameters >; beforeEach(() => { spyCacheRestore = jest .spyOn(cache, 'restoreCache') .mockImplementation((paths: string[], primaryKey: string) => Promise.resolve(undefined)); spyWarning.mockImplementation(() => null); }); it('throws error if unsupported package manager specified', () => { return expect(restore('ant')).rejects.toThrowError('unknown package manager specified: ant'); }); describe('for maven', () => { it('throws error if no pom.xml found', async () => { await expect(restore('maven')).rejects.toThrowError( `No file in ${projectRoot( workspace )} matched to [**/pom.xml], make sure you have checked out the target repository` ); }); it('downloads cache', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'pom.xml')); await restore('maven'); expect(spyCacheRestore).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyInfo).toBeCalledWith('maven cache is not found'); }); it('generates same cache key for every supported OS', async () => { const packageManager = findPackageManager('maven'); process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'Windows'; const keyForWin = await computeCacheKey(packageManager); process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'Linux'; const keyForLinux = await computeCacheKey(packageManager); process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'macOS'; const keyForMacOS = await computeCacheKey(packageManager); expect(keyForWin).toBe(keyForLinux); expect(keyForWin).toBe(keyForMacOS); }); }); describe('for gradle', () => { it('throws error if no build.gradle found', async () => { await expect(restore('gradle')).rejects.toThrowError( `No file in ${projectRoot( workspace )} matched to [**/*.gradle*,**/], make sure you have checked out the target repository` ); }); it('downloads cache based on build.gradle', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'build.gradle')); await restore('gradle'); expect(spyCacheRestore).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyInfo).toBeCalledWith('gradle cache is not found'); }); it('downloads cache based on build.gradle.kts', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'build.gradle.kts')); await restore('gradle'); expect(spyCacheRestore).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyInfo).toBeCalledWith('gradle cache is not found'); }); it('generates same cache key for every supported OS', async () => { const packageManager = findPackageManager('gradle'); process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'Windows'; const keyForWin = await computeCacheKey(packageManager); process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'Linux'; const keyForLinux = await computeCacheKey(packageManager); process.env['RUNNER_OS'] = 'macOS'; const keyForMacOS = await computeCacheKey(packageManager); expect(keyForWin).toEqual(keyForLinux); expect(keyForWin).toEqual(keyForMacOS); }); }); }); describe('save', () => { let spyCacheSave: jest.SpyInstance< ReturnType, Parameters >; beforeEach(() => { spyCacheSave = jest .spyOn(cache, 'saveCache') .mockImplementation((paths: string[], key: string) => Promise.resolve(0)); spyWarning.mockImplementation(() => null); }); it('throws error if unsupported package manager specified', () => { return expect(save('ant')).rejects.toThrowError('unknown package manager specified: ant'); }); describe('for maven', () => { it('uploads cache even if no pom.xml found', async () => { createStateForMissingBuildFile(); await save('maven'); expect(spyCacheSave).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('does not upload cache if no restore run before', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'pom.xml')); await save('maven'); expect(spyCacheSave).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).toBeCalledWith('Error retrieving key from state.'); }); it('uploads cache', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'pom.xml')); createStateForSuccessfulRestore(); await save('maven'); expect(spyCacheSave).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyInfo).toBeCalledWith(expect.stringMatching(/^Cache saved with the key:.*/)); }); }); describe('for gradle', () => { it('uploads cache even if no build.gradle found', async () => { createStateForMissingBuildFile(); await save('gradle'); expect(spyCacheSave).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('does not upload cache if no restore run before', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'build.gradle')); await save('gradle'); expect(spyCacheSave).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).toBeCalledWith('Error retrieving key from state.'); }); it('uploads cache based on build.gradle', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'build.gradle')); createStateForSuccessfulRestore(); await save('gradle'); expect(spyCacheSave).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyInfo).toBeCalledWith(expect.stringMatching(/^Cache saved with the key:.*/)); }); it('uploads cache based on build.gradle.kts', async () => { createFile(join(workspace, 'build.gradle.kts')); createStateForSuccessfulRestore(); await save('gradle'); expect(spyCacheSave).toBeCalled(); expect(spyWarning).not.toBeCalled(); expect(spyInfo).toBeCalledWith(expect.stringMatching(/^Cache saved with the key:.*/)); }); }); }); }); function resetState() { jest.spyOn(core, 'getState').mockReset(); } /** * Create states to emulate a restore process without build file. */ function createStateForMissingBuildFile() { jest.spyOn(core, 'getState').mockImplementation(name => { switch (name) { case 'cache-primary-key': return 'setup-java-cache-'; default: return ''; } }); } /** * Create states to emulate a successful restore process. */ function createStateForSuccessfulRestore() { jest.spyOn(core, 'getState').mockImplementation(name => { switch (name) { case 'cache-primary-key': return 'setup-java-cache-primary-key'; case 'cache-matched-key': return 'setup-java-cache-matched-key'; default: return ''; } }); } function createFile(path: string) {`created a file at ${path}`); fs.writeFileSync(path, ''); } function projectRoot(workspace: string): string { if (os.platform() === 'darwin') { return `/private${workspace}`; } else { return workspace; } }