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synced 2025-03-14 10:07:00 +00:00
282 lines
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282 lines
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import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as yaml from 'js-yaml';
import * as core from '@actions/core';
import * as actionsToolkit from '@docker/actions-toolkit';
import {Buildx} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/buildx/buildx';
import {Builder} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/buildx/builder';
import {Docker} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/docker/docker';
import {Exec} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/exec';
import {Toolkit} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/toolkit';
import {Util} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/util';
import {Node} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/types/buildx/builder';
import {ContextInfo} from '@docker/actions-toolkit/lib/types/docker/docker';
import * as context from './context';
import * as stateHelper from './state-helper';
// main
async () => {
const inputs: context.Inputs = await context.getInputs();
const toolkit = new Toolkit();
const standalone = await toolkit.buildx.isStandalone();
await core.group(`Docker info`, async () => {
try {
await Docker.printVersion();
await Docker.printInfo();
} catch (e) {
let toolPath;
if (Util.isValidRef(inputs.version)) {
if (standalone) {
throw new Error(`Cannot build from source without the Docker CLI`);
await core.group(`Build buildx from source`, async () => {
toolPath = await toolkit.buildxInstall.build(inputs.version, !inputs.cacheBinary);
} else if (!(await toolkit.buildx.isAvailable()) || inputs.version) {
await core.group(`Download buildx from GitHub Releases`, async () => {
toolPath = await toolkit.buildxInstall.download(inputs.version || 'latest', !inputs.cacheBinary);
if (toolPath) {
await core.group(`Install buildx`, async () => {
if (standalone) {
await toolkit.buildxInstall.installStandalone(toolPath);
} else {
await toolkit.buildxInstall.installPlugin(toolPath);
await core.group(`Buildx version`, async () => {
await toolkit.buildx.printVersion();
core.setOutput('name', inputs.name);
fs.mkdirSync(Buildx.certsDir, {recursive: true});
// if the default context has TLS data loaded and endpoint is not set, then
// we create a temporary docker context only if driver is docker-container
// https://github.com/docker/buildx/blob/b96ad59f64d40873e4959336d294b648bb3937fe/builder/builder.go#L489
// https://github.com/docker/setup-buildx-action/issues/105
if (!standalone && inputs.driver == 'docker-container' && (await Docker.context()) == 'default' && inputs.endpoint.length == 0) {
let defaultContextWithTLS: boolean = false;
await core.group(`Inspecting default docker context`, async () => {
await Docker.getExecOutput(['context', 'inspect', '--format=json', 'default'], {
ignoreReturnCode: true,
silent: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
core.info(`Cannot inspect default docker context: ${res.stderr.trim()}`);
} else {
try {
const contextInfo = (<Array<ContextInfo>>JSON.parse(res.stdout.trim()))[0];
core.info(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(res.stdout.trim()), undefined, 2));
const hasTLSData = Object.keys(contextInfo.Endpoints).length > 0 && Object.values(contextInfo.Endpoints)[0].TLSData !== undefined;
const hasTLSMaterial = Object.keys(contextInfo.TLSMaterial).length > 0 && Object.values(contextInfo.TLSMaterial)[0].length > 0;
defaultContextWithTLS = hasTLSData || hasTLSMaterial;
} catch (e) {
core.info(`Unable to parse default docker context info: ${e}`);
if (defaultContextWithTLS) {
const tmpDockerContext = `buildx-${crypto.randomUUID()}`;
await core.group(`Creating temp docker context (TLS data loaded in default one)`, async () => {
await Docker.getExecOutput(['context', 'create', tmpDockerContext], {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
core.warning(`Cannot create docker context ${tmpDockerContext}: ${res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error'}`);
} else {
core.info(`Setting builder endpoint to ${tmpDockerContext} context`);
inputs.endpoint = tmpDockerContext;
if (inputs.driver !== 'docker') {
await core.group(`Creating a new builder instance`, async () => {
const certsDriverOpts = Buildx.resolveCertsDriverOpts(inputs.driver, inputs.endpoint, {
cacert: process.env[`${context.builderNodeEnvPrefix}_0_AUTH_TLS_CACERT`],
cert: process.env[`${context.builderNodeEnvPrefix}_0_AUTH_TLS_CERT`],
key: process.env[`${context.builderNodeEnvPrefix}_0_AUTH_TLS_KEY`]
if (certsDriverOpts.length > 0) {
inputs.driverOpts = [...inputs.driverOpts, ...certsDriverOpts];
const createCmd = await toolkit.buildx.getCommand(await context.getCreateArgs(inputs, toolkit));
await Exec.getExecOutput(createCmd.command, createCmd.args, {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
throw new Error(res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error');
if (inputs.append) {
await core.group(`Appending node(s) to builder`, async () => {
let nodeIndex = 1;
const nodes = yaml.load(inputs.append) as Node[];
for (const node of nodes) {
const certsDriverOpts = Buildx.resolveCertsDriverOpts(inputs.driver, `${node.endpoint}`, {
cacert: process.env[`${context.builderNodeEnvPrefix}_${nodeIndex}_AUTH_TLS_CACERT`],
cert: process.env[`${context.builderNodeEnvPrefix}_${nodeIndex}_AUTH_TLS_CERT`],
key: process.env[`${context.builderNodeEnvPrefix}_${nodeIndex}_AUTH_TLS_KEY`]
if (certsDriverOpts.length > 0) {
node['driver-opts'] = [...(node['driver-opts'] || []), ...certsDriverOpts];
const appendCmd = await toolkit.buildx.getCommand(await context.getAppendArgs(inputs, node, toolkit));
await Exec.getExecOutput(appendCmd.command, appendCmd.args, {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
throw new Error(`Failed to append node ${node.name}: ${res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error'}`);
await core.group(`Booting builder`, async () => {
const inspectCmd = await toolkit.buildx.getCommand(await context.getInspectArgs(inputs, toolkit));
await Exec.getExecOutput(inspectCmd.command, inspectCmd.args, {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
throw new Error(res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error');
if (inputs.install) {
if (standalone) {
throw new Error(`Cannot set buildx as default builder without the Docker CLI`);
await core.group(`Setting buildx as default builder`, async () => {
const installCmd = await toolkit.buildx.getCommand(['install']);
await Exec.getExecOutput(installCmd.command, installCmd.args, {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
throw new Error(res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error');
const builderInspect = await toolkit.builder.inspect(inputs.name);
const firstNode = builderInspect.nodes[0];
await core.group(`Inspect builder`, async () => {
const reducedPlatforms: Array<string> = [];
for (const node of builderInspect.nodes) {
for (const platform of node.platforms?.split(',') || []) {
if (reducedPlatforms.indexOf(platform) > -1) {
core.info(JSON.stringify(builderInspect, undefined, 2));
core.setOutput('driver', builderInspect.driver);
core.setOutput('platforms', reducedPlatforms.join(','));
core.setOutput('nodes', JSON.stringify(builderInspect.nodes, undefined, 2));
core.setOutput('endpoint', firstNode.endpoint); // TODO: deprecated, to be removed in a later version
core.setOutput('status', firstNode.status); // TODO: deprecated, to be removed in a later version
core.setOutput('flags', firstNode['buildkitd-flags']); // TODO: deprecated, to be removed in a later version
if (!standalone && builderInspect.driver == 'docker-container') {
await core.group(`BuildKit version`, async () => {
for (const node of builderInspect.nodes) {
const buildkitVersion = await toolkit.buildkit.getVersion(node);
core.info(`${node.name}: ${buildkitVersion}`);
if (core.isDebug() || firstNode['buildkitd-flags']?.includes('--debug')) {
// post
async () => {
if (stateHelper.IsDebug && stateHelper.containerName.length > 0) {
await core.group(`BuildKit container logs`, async () => {
await Docker.getExecOutput(['logs', `${stateHelper.containerName}`], {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
core.warning(res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error');
if (!stateHelper.cleanup) {
if (stateHelper.builderDriver != 'docker' && stateHelper.builderName.length > 0) {
await core.group(`Removing builder`, async () => {
const buildx = new Buildx({standalone: stateHelper.standalone});
const builder = new Builder({buildx: buildx});
if (await builder.exists(stateHelper.builderName)) {
const rmCmd = await buildx.getCommand(['rm', stateHelper.builderName]);
await Exec.getExecOutput(rmCmd.command, rmCmd.args, {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
core.warning(res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error');
} else {
core.info(`${stateHelper.builderName} does not exist`);
if (stateHelper.tmpDockerContext) {
await core.group(`Removing temp docker context`, async () => {
await Exec.getExecOutput('docker', ['context', 'rm', '-f', stateHelper.tmpDockerContext], {
ignoreReturnCode: true
}).then(res => {
if (res.stderr.length > 0 && res.exitCode != 0) {
core.warning(`${res.stderr.match(/(.*)\s*$/)?.[0]?.trim() ?? 'unknown error'}`);
if (stateHelper.certsDir.length > 0 && fs.existsSync(stateHelper.certsDir)) {
await core.group(`Cleaning up certificates`, async () => {
fs.rmSync(stateHelper.certsDir, {recursive: true});