CrazyMax faae4d6665
ecr: switch implementation to use the AWS SDK
Signed-off-by: CrazyMax <crazy-max@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-12-20 10:43:26 +01:00

101 lines
3.5 KiB

import * as core from '@actions/core';
import * as aws from 'aws-sdk';
const ecrRegistryRegex = /^(([0-9]{12})\.dkr\.ecr\.(.+)\.amazonaws\.com(.cn)?)(\/([^:]+)(:.+)?)?$/;
export const isECR = (registry: string): boolean => {
return ecrRegistryRegex.test(registry) || isPubECR(registry);
export const isPubECR = (registry: string): boolean => {
return registry === 'public.ecr.aws';
export const getRegion = (registry: string): string => {
if (isPubECR(registry)) {
return process.env.AWS_REGION || process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION || 'us-east-1';
const matches = registry.match(ecrRegistryRegex);
if (!matches) {
return '';
return matches[3];
export const getAccountIDs = (registry: string): string[] => {
if (isPubECR(registry)) {
return [];
const matches = registry.match(ecrRegistryRegex);
if (!matches) {
return [];
let accountIDs: Array<string> = [matches[2]];
if (process.env.AWS_ACCOUNT_IDS) {
return accountIDs.filter((item, index) => accountIDs.indexOf(item) === index);
export interface RegistryData {
registry: string;
username: string;
password: string;
export const getRegistriesData = async (registry: string, username?: string, password?: string): Promise<RegistryData[]> => {
const region = getRegion(registry);
const accountIDs = getAccountIDs(registry);
const authTokenRequest = {};
if (accountIDs.length > 0) {
core.debug(`Requesting AWS ECR auth token for ${accountIDs.join(', ')}`);
authTokenRequest['registryIds'] = accountIDs;
if (isPubECR(registry)) {
core.info(`AWS Public ECR detected with ${region} region`);
const ecrPublic = new aws.ECRPUBLIC({
customUserAgent: 'docker-login-action',
accessKeyId: username || process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID || '',
secretAccessKey: password || process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY || '',
region: region
const authTokenResponse = await ecrPublic.getAuthorizationToken(authTokenRequest).promise();
if (!authTokenResponse.authorizationData || !authTokenResponse.authorizationData.authorizationToken) {
throw new Error('Could not retrieve an authorization token from AWS Public ECR');
const authToken = Buffer.from(authTokenResponse.authorizationData.authorizationToken, 'base64').toString('utf-8');
const creds = authToken.split(':', 2);
return [
registry: 'public.ecr.aws',
username: creds[0],
password: creds[1]
} else {
core.info(`AWS ECR detected with ${region} region`);
const ecr = new aws.ECR({
customUserAgent: 'docker-login-action',
accessKeyId: username || process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID || '',
secretAccessKey: password || process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY || '',
region: region
const authTokenResponse = await ecr.getAuthorizationToken(authTokenRequest).promise();
if (!Array.isArray(authTokenResponse.authorizationData) || !authTokenResponse.authorizationData.length) {
throw new Error('Could not retrieve an authorization token from AWS ECR');
const regDatas: RegistryData[] = [];
for (const authData of authTokenResponse.authorizationData) {
const authToken = Buffer.from(authData.authorizationToken || '', 'base64').toString('utf-8');
const creds = authToken.split(':', 2);
registry: authData.proxyEndpoint || '',
username: creds[0],
password: creds[1]
return regDatas;