name: 'deployphp/action' description: 'Deploy with Deployer' inputs: private-key: required: true description: > Private key for connecting to remote hosts. To generate private key: `ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -C ''`. dep: required: true description: > The deployer task to run. For example: `deploy all`. known-hosts: required: false default: '' description: > Content of `~/.ssh/known_hosts` file. The public SSH keys for a host may be obtained using the utility `ssh-keyscan`. For example, `ssh-keyscan`. If known-hosts omitted, `StrictHostKeyChecking no` will be added to `ssh_config`. ssh-config: required: false default: '' description: > The SSH configuration. Content of `~/.ssh/config` file. deployer-version: required: false default: '' description: > Deployer version to download from First, the action will check for Deployer binary at those paths: - `vendor/bin/dep` - `deployer.phar` If the binary not found, phar version will be downloaded from []( runs: using: 'node12' main: 'index.js' branding: color: blue icon: send