import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as fsHelper from './fs-helper' import * as github from '@actions/github' import * as path from 'path' import * as workflowContextHelper from './workflow-context-helper' import {IGitSourceSettings} from './git-source-settings' export async function getInputs(): Promise { const result = ({} as unknown) as IGitSourceSettings // GitHub workspace let githubWorkspacePath = process.env['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'] if (!githubWorkspacePath) { throw new Error('GITHUB_WORKSPACE not defined') } githubWorkspacePath = path.resolve(githubWorkspacePath) core.debug(`GITHUB_WORKSPACE = '${githubWorkspacePath}'`) fsHelper.directoryExistsSync(githubWorkspacePath, true) // Qualified repository const qualifiedRepository = core.getInput('repository') || `${github.context.repo.owner}/${github.context.repo.repo}` core.debug(`qualified repository = '${qualifiedRepository}'`) const splitRepository = qualifiedRepository.split('/') if ( splitRepository.length !== 2 || !splitRepository[0] || !splitRepository[1] ) { throw new Error( `Invalid repository '${qualifiedRepository}'. Expected format {owner}/{repo}.` ) } result.repositoryOwner = splitRepository[0] result.repositoryName = splitRepository[1] // Repository path result.repositoryPath = core.getInput('path') || '.' result.repositoryPath = path.resolve( githubWorkspacePath, result.repositoryPath ) if ( !(result.repositoryPath + path.sep).startsWith( githubWorkspacePath + path.sep ) ) { throw new Error( `Repository path '${result.repositoryPath}' is not under '${githubWorkspacePath}'` ) } // Workflow repository? const isWorkflowRepository = qualifiedRepository.toUpperCase() === `${github.context.repo.owner}/${github.context.repo.repo}`.toUpperCase() // Source branch, source version result.ref = core.getInput('ref') if (!result.ref) { if (isWorkflowRepository) { result.ref = github.context.ref result.commit = github.context.sha // Some events have an unqualifed ref. For example when a PR is merged (pull_request closed event), // the ref is unqualifed like "main" instead of "refs/heads/main". if (result.commit && result.ref && !result.ref.startsWith('refs/')) { result.ref = `refs/heads/${result.ref}` } } } // SHA? else if (result.ref.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/)) { result.commit = result.ref result.ref = '' } core.debug(`ref = '${result.ref}'`) core.debug(`commit = '${result.commit}'`) // Clean result.clean = (core.getInput('clean') || 'true').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' core.debug(`clean = ${result.clean}`) // Sparse checkout const sparseCheckout = core.getMultilineInput('sparse-checkout') if (sparseCheckout.length) { result.sparseCheckout = sparseCheckout core.debug(`sparse checkout = ${result.sparseCheckout}`) } result.sparseCheckoutConeMode = (core.getInput('sparse-checkout-cone-mode') || 'true').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' // Fetch depth result.fetchDepth = Math.floor(Number(core.getInput('fetch-depth') || '1')) if (isNaN(result.fetchDepth) || result.fetchDepth < 0) { result.fetchDepth = 0 } core.debug(`fetch depth = ${result.fetchDepth}`) // Fetch tags result.fetchTags = (core.getInput('fetch-tags') || 'false').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' core.debug(`fetch tags = ${result.fetchTags}`) // Show fetch progress result.showProgress = (core.getInput('show-progress') || 'true').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' core.debug(`show progress = ${result.showProgress}`) console.log(`show progress = ${result.showProgress}`) // LFS result.lfs = (core.getInput('lfs') || 'false').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' core.debug(`lfs = ${result.lfs}`) // Submodules result.submodules = false result.nestedSubmodules = false const submodulesString = (core.getInput('submodules') || '').toUpperCase() if (submodulesString == 'RECURSIVE') { result.submodules = true result.nestedSubmodules = true } else if (submodulesString == 'TRUE') { result.submodules = true } core.debug(`submodules = ${result.submodules}`) core.debug(`recursive submodules = ${result.nestedSubmodules}`) // Auth token result.authToken = core.getInput('token', {required: true}) // SSH result.sshKey = core.getInput('ssh-key') result.sshKnownHosts = core.getInput('ssh-known-hosts') result.sshStrict = (core.getInput('ssh-strict') || 'true').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' // Persist credentials result.persistCredentials = (core.getInput('persist-credentials') || 'false').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' // Workflow organization ID result.workflowOrganizationId = await workflowContextHelper.getOrganizationId() // Set in git global config. result.setSafeDirectory = (core.getInput('set-safe-directory') || 'true').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' // Determine the GitHub URL that the repository is being hosted from result.githubServerUrl = core.getInput('github-server-url') core.debug(`GitHub Host URL = ${result.githubServerUrl}`) return result }