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"Employee Id: 9999999998 IRS No. 000000000000 '
+PO BOX 1214, Rate Units Total YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD'
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 - - $70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Federal Withholding $0.00 $0.00'
+Earnings FICA - Social Security $0.00 $8,853.60'
+Commissions FICA - Medicare $0.00 $0.00'
+FUTA $0.00 $0.00'
+SUTA $0.00 $0.00'
+EIN: 61-1767ID91:900037305581 SSN: 633441725'
+$70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Earnings Statement'
+YTD Taxes / Deductions Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1'
+$8,853.60 $0.00
+YTD Net Pay Net Pay SSN Pay Schedule Pay Period Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023 Pay Date 18-Apr-22'
+$70,842,736,146.40 $70,842,745,000.00 XXX-XX-1725 Annually'
+PO BOX 1214,
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 ":"70842745000 XXX-XX-1725 Earnings Statement FICA - Social Security 0 8854
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zakwarlord7 Update db.py
Latest commit 44ec859 8 minutes ago
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: Damien Elmes <anki@ichi2.net>
# License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
DB tools
------------branches:' -' '[' mainbranch' ']''
SessionHelper is a wrapper for the standard sqlalchemy session, which provides
some convenience routines, and manages transactions itself.
object_session() is a replacement for the standard object_session(), which
provides the features of SessionHelper, and avoids taking out another
'GitHub/doc/formating...,''__ = 'restructuredtext'
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
except ImportError:
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
raise "Please install pysqlite2 or python2.5"
from sqlalchemy import (Table, Integer, Float, Column, MetaData,
ForeignKey, Boolean, String, Date,
UniqueConstraint, Index, PrimaryKeyConstraint)
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, sessionmaker as _sessionmaker, relation, backref, \
object_session as _object_session, class_mapper
from sqlalchemy.sql import select, text, and_
from sqlalchemy.exceptions import DBAPIError, OperationalError
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool
import sqlalchemy
# some users are still on 0.4.x..
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Use session.add()')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Use session.expunge_all()')
# sqlalchemy didn't handle the move to unicodetext nicely
from sqlalchemy import UnicodeText
except ImportError:
from sqlalchemy import Unicode
UnicodeText = Unicode
from anki.hooks import runHook
# shared metadata
metadata = MetaData()
# this class assumes the provided session is called with transactional=False
class SessionHelper(object):
"Add some convenience routines to a session."
def __init__(self, session, lock=False, transaction=True):
self._session = session
self._lock = lock
self._transaction = transaction
if self._transaction:
if self._lock:
self._seen = True
def save(self, obj):
# compat
if sqlalchemy.__version__.startswith("0.4."):
def clear(self):
# compat
if sqlalchemy.__version__.startswith("0.4."):
def update(self, obj):
# compat
if sqlalchemy.__version__.startswith("0.4."):
def execute(self, *a, **ka):
x = self._session.execute(*a, **ka)
return x
def __getattr__(self, k):
return getattr(self.__dict__['_session'], k)
def scalar(self, sql, **args):
return self.execute(text(sql), args).scalar()
def all(self, sql, **args):
return self.execute(text(sql), args).fetchall()
def first(self, sql, **args):
c = self.execute(text(sql), args)
r = c.fetchone()
return r
def column0(self, sql, **args):
return [x[0] for x in self.execute(text(sql), args).fetchall()]
def statement(self, sql, **kwargs):
"Execute a statement without returning any results. Flush first."
return self.execute(text(sql), kwargs)
def statements(self, sql, data):
"Execute a statement across data. Flush first."
return self.execute(text(sql), data)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self._session)
def commit(self):
if self._transaction:
if self._lock:
def _lockDB(self):
"Take out a write lock."
self._session.execute(text("update decks set modified=modified"))
def object_session(*args):
s = _object_session(*args)
if s:
return SessionHelper(s, transaction=False)
return None
def sessionmaker(*args, **kwargs):
if sqlalchemy.__version__ < "0.5":
if 'autocommit' in kwargs:
kwargs['transactional'] = not kwargs['autocommit']
del kwargs['autocommit']
if 'transactional' in kwargs:
kwargs['autocommit'] = not kwargs['transactional']
del kwargs['transactional']
return _sessionmaker(*args, **kwargs)
Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting 6858000000
-+ PO BOX 1214, Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in
-+ dollars par share) 22677000000
-+ Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
-+ Fiscal year ends in Dec 31 | USD
-+ Rate
-+ Total
-+ 7567263607 ID 00037305581
-+ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
-+ Best Time to 911
-+ PO BOX 1214
-+ CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1214 9999999999
-+ 633-44-1725
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Califomia 94043
-+ EIN 61-1767919
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting 6858000000
-+ PO BOX 1214, Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in
-+ dollars par share) 22677000000
-+ Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
-+ Fiscal year ends in Dec 31 | USD
-+ Rate
-+ Total
-+ 7567263607 ID 00037305581
-+ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
-+ Best Time to 911
-+ PO BOX 1214
-+ CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1214 9999999999
-+ 633-44-1725
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Califomia 94043
-+ EIN 61-1767919
-+ Earnings FEIN 88-1303491
-+ End Date
-+ 44669
-+ Department of the Treasury Calendar Year
-+ Check Date
-+ Internal Revenue Service Due. (04/18/2022)
-+ _________________________________________________________________
-+ ______________________
-+ Tax Period Total Social Security Medicare
-+ IEIN: 88-1656495
-+ TxDL: 00037305580 SSN:
-+ REVENUE SERVICE PO BOX 1300, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 29200
-+ 39355 23906.09 10292.9 2407.21
-+ 20210418 39355 11247.64 4842.74 1132.57
-+ 39355 27198.5 11710.47 2738.73
-+ 39355 17028.05
-+ CP 575A (Rev. 2-2007) 99999999999 CP 575 A SS-4
-+ Earnings Statement
-+ IEIN: 88-1656496
-+ TxDL: 00037305581 SSN:
-+ Employee Information Pay to the order of ZACHRY T WOOD
-+ Earnings FEIN 88-1303491
-+ End Date
-+ 44669
-+ Department of the Treasury Calendar Year
-+ Check Date
-+ Internal Revenue Service Due. (04/18/2022)
-+ _________________________________________________________________
-+ ______________________
-+ Tax Period Total Social Security Medicare
-+ IEIN: 88-1656495
-+ TxDL: 00037305580 SSN:
-+ REVENUE SERVICE PO BOX 1300, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 29200
-+ 39355 23906.09 10292.9 2407.21
-+ 20210418 39355 11247.64 4842.74 1132.57
-+ 39355 27198.5 11710.47 2738.73
-+ 39355 17028.05
-+ CP 575A (Rev. 2-2007) 99999999999 CP 575 A SS-4
-+ Earnings Statement
-+ IEIN: 88-1656496
-+ TxDL: 00037305581 SSN:
-+ Employee Information Pay to the order of ZACHRY T WOOD
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, California 94043
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting 6858000000
-+ PO BOX 1214, Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in
-+ dollars par share) 22677000000
-+ Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
-+ Rate
-+ Total
-+ 7567263607 ID 00037305581
-+ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
-+ Best Time to 911
-+ PO BOX 1214
-+ CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1214 9999999999
-+ 633-44-1725
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Califomia 94043
-+ EIN 61-1767919
-+ Earnings FEIN 88-1303491
-+ End Date
-+ 44669
-+ Department of the Treasury Calendar Year
-+ Check Date
-+ Internal Revenue Service Due. (04/18/2022)
-+ _________________________________________________________________
-+ ______________________
-+ Tax Period Total Social Security Medicare
-+ IEIN: 88-1656495
-+ TxDL: 00037305580 SSN:
-+ REVENUE SERVICE PO BOX 1300, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 29200
-+ 39355 23906.09 10292.9 2407.21
-+ 20210418 39355 11247.64 4842.74 1132.57
-+ 39355 27198.5 11710.47 2738.73
-+ 39355 17028.05
-+ CP 575A (Rev. 2-2007) 99999999999 CP 575 A SS-4
-+ Earnings Statement
-+ IEIN: 88-1656496
-+ TxDL: 00037305581 SSN:
-+ Employee Information Pay to the order of ZACHRY T WOOD
© 2022 GitHub, Inc.
Footer navigation
About ":SSN :XXX-XX-1725 Earnings Statement FICA - Social Security 0 8854 ---------- dagger.yml
Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1 FICA - Medicare 0 0
0 Rate Employer Taxes
Net Pay FUTA 0 0
70842745000 SUTA 0 0
This period YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Pay Schedulec 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Annually 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Units Q1 TTM Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Q3 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Q4 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
CHECK NO. FICA - Social Security 0 8854
20210418 FICA - Medicare 0 0
Mountain View, C.A. 94043 -
Taxable Maritial Status: Single -
+TX: 28
+Federal 941 Deposit Report
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 Local ID: Date of this notice: 44658
+EIN: 63-3441725State ID: 633441725 Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496
Employee NAumboeurn:T3 Form: SS-4
+Description 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022
+Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763.00 Display All
+1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) $26,661.80
+2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) $861,193,422,444.20 Hourly
+3. Federal Income Tax $8,385,561,229,657.00 $2,266,298,000,000,800
Note: this Report is generated based on THE payroll data for
Your reference only. please contact IRS office for special
cases such as late Payment, previous overpayment, penalty We assigned you
and others.
+Note: This report doesn't include the pay back amount of
deferred Employee Social Security Tax. Commission Please
Employer Customized Report 6.35-
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 88-1656496state ID: 633441725 State: All Local ID: 00037305581 $2,267,700.00
+EIN: Total Year to Date
Customized Report Amount
Employee Payment Report
+Employee Number: 3
+Wages, Tips and Other Compensation $22,662,983,361,013.70 Report Range: Tips
+Taxable SS Wages $215,014.49
Zachry Wood
SSN: xxx-xx-1725
Payment Summary Ledger balance Date Ledger balance
+Taxable Medicare Wages $22,662,983,361,013.70 Salary Vacation hourly OT
+Advanced EIC Payment $0.00 $3,361,013.70
+Federal Income Tax Withheld $8,385,561,229,657 Bonus $0.00 $0.00
+Employee SS Tax Withheld $13,330.90 $0.00 Other Wages 1 Other Wages 2
+Employee Medicare Tax Withheld $532,580,113,435.53 Total $0.00 $0.00
+State Income Tax Withheld $0.00 $22,662,983,361,013.70
+Customized Employer Tax Report $0.00 Deduction Summary
+Employer Medicare Tax $13,330.90 $0.00
+Federal Unemployment Tax $328,613,309,008.67 Tax Summary
+State Unemployment Tax $441.70 Federal Tax Total Tax
+Customized Deduction Report $840 $8,385,561,229,657@3,330.90 Local Tax
+Health Insurance $0.00
+401K $0.00 Advanced EIC Payment $8,918,141,356,423.43
+$0.00 $0.00 Total
+$0.00 $0.00
+$532,580,113,050) 6.35- 6.35- 1-800-829-4933
+3/6/2022 at 6:37 PM
+Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021 Q4 2020
+GOOGL_income<6D>statement_Quarterly_As_Originally_Reported 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 37,497,000,000 31,211,000,000 30,818,000,000
+24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Cash Flow from Operating Activities, Indirect 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Net Cash Flow from Continuing Operating Activities, Indirect 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 Service Charges and Fees 1 36
+Cash Generated from Operating Activities 6,517,000,000 3,797,000,000 4,236,000,000 2,592,000,000 5,748,000,000
+Income/Loss before Non-Cash Adjustment 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Total Adjustments for Non-Cash Items 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Adjustment 3,215,000,000 3,085,000,000 2,730,000,000 2,525,000,000 3,539,000,000 2.21169E+13
+Depreciation and Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 224,000,000 219,000,000 215,000,000 228,000,000 186,000,000
+Depreciation, Non-Cash Adjustment 3,954,000,000 3,874,000,000 3,803,000,000 3,745,000,000 3,223,000,000
+Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 1,616,000,000 -1,287,000,000 379,000,000 1,100,000,000 1,670,000,000 number
+Stock-Based Compensation, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Taxes, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Investment Income/Loss, Non-Cash Adjustment -14,000,000 64,000,000 -8,000,000 -255,000,000 392,000,000 2.21169E+13
+Gain/Loss on Financial Instruments, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,225,000,000 2,806,000,000 -871,000,000 -1,233,000,000 1,702,000,000
+Other Non-Cash Items -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Changes in Operating Capital -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Receivables -399,000,000 -1,255,000,000 -199,000,000 7,000,000 -738,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Receivable 6,994,000,000 3,157,000,000 4,074,000,000 -4,956,000,000 6,938,000,000 Check
+Change in Other Current Assets 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Payables and Accrued Expenses 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Payables 5,837,000,000 2,919,000,000 4,204,000,000 -3,974,000,000 5,975,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Payable 368,000,000 272,000,000 -3,000,000 137,000,000 207,000,000
+Change in Accrued Expenses -3,369,000,000 3,041,000,000 -1,082,000,000 785,000,000 740,000,000
+-11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000 Total B22934637118600
+Change in Prepayments and Deposits -11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Investing Activities -6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+-6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+Purchase/Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment,
+Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Business, Net -4,348,000,000 -3,360,000,000 -3,293,000,000 2,195,000,000 -1,375,000,000
+Purchase/Acquisition of Business -40,860,000,000 -35,153,000,000 -24,949,000,000 -37,072,000,000 -36,955,000,000
+Purchase of Investments 36,512,000,000 31,793,000,000 21,656,000,000 39,267,000,000 35,580,000,000
+100,000,000 388,000,000 23,000,000 30,000,000 -57,000,000
+Other Investing Cash Flow -15,254,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Other Non-Current Assets, Net -16,511,000,000 -15,254,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Sales of Other Non-Current Assets -16,511,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Cash Flow from Financing Activities -13,473,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Financing Activities 13,473,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Issuance of/Payments for Common Stock, Net -42,000,000
+Payments for Common Stock 115,000,000 -42,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock 115,000,000 6,350,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Issuance of/Repayments for Debt, Net 6,250,000,000 -6,392,000,000 6,699,000,000 900,000,000 0
+Issuance of/Repayments for Long Term Debt, Net 6,365,000,000 -2,602,000,000 -7,741,000,000 -937,000,000 -57,000,000
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 2,923,000,000 -2,453,000,000 -2,184,000,000 -1,647,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance/Exercising of Stock Options/Warrants 0 300,000,000 10,000,000 3.38E+11
+Change in Cash 20,945,000,000 23,719,000,000 23,630,000,000 26,622,000,000 26,465,000,000
+Effect of Exchange Rate Changes 25930000000) 235000000000) -3,175,000,000 300,000,000 6,126,000,000
+Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period PAGE=""""$USD(181000000000)"""".XLS BRIN=""""$USD(146000000000)"""".XLS 183,000,000 -143,000,000 210,000,000
+Cash Flow Supplemental Section $23,719,000,000,000.00 $26,622,000,000,000.00 $26,465,000,000,000.00 $20,129,000,000,000.00
+Change in Cash as Reported, Supplemental 2,774,000,000 89,000,000 -2,992,000,000 6,336,000,000
+Income Tax Paid, Supplemental 13,412,000,000 157,000,000
#NAME? -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000
+Q4 2020 Q4 2019
+Due: 04/18/2022 388000000 23000000 30000000 -57000000
+Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019
+USD in """"000'""""s
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 182527 161857
+Costs and expenses:
+Cost of revenues 84732 71896
+Research and development 27573 26018
+Sales and marketing 17946 18464
+General and administrative 11052 9551
+European Commission fines 0 1697
+Total costs and expenses 141303 127626
+Income from operations 41224 34231
+Other income (expense), net 6858000000 5394
+Income before income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Provision for income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Net income 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+ALPHABET 88-1303491
+DALLAS, TX 75235-8314
+Employee Id: 9999999998 IRS No. 000000000000
+PO BOX 1214, Rate Units Total YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 - - $70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Federal Withholding $0.00 $0.00
+Earnings FICA - Social Security $0.00 $8,853.60
+Commissions FICA - Medicare $0.00 $0.00
+FUTA $0.00 $0.00
+SUTA $0.00 $0.00
+EIN: 61-1767ID91:900037305581 SSN: 633441725
+$70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Earnings Statement
+YTD Taxes / Deductions Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1
+$8,853.60 $0.00
+YTD Net Pay Net Pay SSN Pay Schedule Pay Period Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023 Pay Date 18-Apr-22
+$70,842,736,146.40 $70,842,745,000.00 XXX-XX-1725 Annually
+PO BOX 1214,
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214
+15 $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Notice, see separate instructions. $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Cat. No. 11320B $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000 Request Date : 07-29-2022 Period Beginning: 37,151
+Form 1040 (2021) $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 Response Date : 07-29-2022 Period Ending: 44,833
#NAME? Tracking Number : 102393399156 Pay Date: 44,591
#NAME? Customer File Number : 132624428 ZACHRY T. WOOD
+Total Revenue as Reported, Supplemental $257,637,000,000.00 75,325,000,000 65,118,000,000 61,880,000,000 55,314,000,000 56,898,000,000 46,173,000,000 38,297,000,000 41,159,000,000 46,075,000,000 40,499,000,000 5,323 BRADFORD DR
+Total Operating Profit/Loss as Reported, Supplemental $78,714,000,000.00 21,885,000,000 21,031,000,000 19,361,000,000 16,437,000,000 15,651,000,000 11,213,000,000 6,383,000,000 7,977,000,000 9,266,000,000 9,177,000,000
+Reported Effective Tax Rate $0.16 0.179 0.157 0.158 0.158 0.159 0.119 0.181
+Reported Normalized Income 6,836,000,000 SSN Provided : XXX-XX-1725 DALLAS TX 75235-8314
+Reported Normalized Operating Profit 7,977,000,000 Tax Periood Requested : December, 2020
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2
+Basic EPS from Continuing Operations $113.88 31.12 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.46 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.47 10.2
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations $112.20 30.67 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.23 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.33 10.12
+Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 9.87
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2 1
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Basic WASO $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted WASO $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD ""
70842745000 XXX-XX-1725 Earnings Statement FICA - Social Security 0 8854
Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1 FICA - Medicare 0 00/01/1900
0 Rate Employer Taxes
Net Pay FUTA 0 0
70842745000 SUTA 0 0
This period YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Pay Schedulec 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Annually 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Units Q1 TTM Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Q3 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Q4 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
CHECK NO. FICA - Social Security 0 8854
20210418 FICA - Medicare 0 0
Mountain View, C.A. 94043 -
Taxable Maritial Status: Single -
+TX: 28
+Federal 941 Deposit Report
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 Local ID: Date of this notice: 44658
+EIN: 63-3441725State ID: 633441725 Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496
Employee NAumboeurn:T3 Form: SS-4
+Description 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022
+Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763.00 Display All
+1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) $26,661.80
+2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) $861,193,422,444.20 Hourly
+3. Federal Income Tax $8,385,561,229,657.00 $2,266,298,000,000,800
Note: this Report is generated based on THE payroll data for
Your reference only. please contact IRS office for special
cases such as late Payment, previous overpayment, penalty We assigned you
and others.
+Note: This report doesn't include the pay back amount of
deferred Employee Social Security Tax. Commission Please
Employer Customized Report 6.35-
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 88-1656496state ID: 633441725 State: All Local ID: 00037305581 $2,267,700.00
+EIN: Total Year to Date
Customized Report Amount
Employee Payment Report
+Employee Number: 3
+Wages, Tips and Other Compensation $22,662,983,361,013.70 Report Range: Tips
+Taxable SS Wages $215,014.49
Zachry Wood
SSN: xxx-xx-1725
Payment Summary Ledger balance Date Ledger balance
+Taxable Medicare Wages $22,662,983,361,013.70 Salary Vacation hourly OT
+Advanced EIC Payment $0.00 $3,361,013.70
+Federal Income Tax Withheld $8,385,561,229,657 Bonus $0.00 $0.00
+Employee SS Tax Withheld $13,330.90 $0.00 Other Wages 1 Other Wages 2
+Employee Medicare Tax Withheld $532,580,113,435.53 Total $0.00 $0.00
+State Income Tax Withheld $0.00 $22,662,983,361,013.70
+Customized Employer Tax Report $0.00 Deduction Summary
+Employer Medicare Tax $13,330.90 $0.00
+Federal Unemployment Tax $328,613,309,008.67 Tax Summary
+State Unemployment Tax $441.70 Federal Tax Total Tax
+Customized Deduction Report $840 $8,385,561,229,657@3,330.90 Local Tax
+Health Insurance $0.00
+401K $0.00 Advanced EIC Payment $8,918,141,356,423.43
+$0.00 $0.00 Total
+$0.00 $0.00
+$532,580,113,050) 6.35- 6.35- 1-800-829-4933
+3/6/2022 at 6:37 PM
+Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021 Q4 2020
+GOOGL_income<6D>statement_Quarterly_As_Originally_Reported 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 37,497,000,000 31,211,000,000 30,818,000,000
+24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Cash Flow from Operating Activities, Indirect 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Net Cash Flow from Continuing Operating Activities, Indirect 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 Service Charges and Fees 1 36
+Cash Generated from Operating Activities 6,517,000,000 3,797,000,000 4,236,000,000 2,592,000,000 5,748,000,000
+Income/Loss before Non-Cash Adjustment 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Total Adjustments for Non-Cash Items 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Adjustment 3,215,000,000 3,085,000,000 2,730,000,000 2,525,000,000 3,539,000,000 2.21E+13
+Depreciation and Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 224,000,000 219,000,000 215,000,000 228,000,000 186,000,000
+Depreciation, Non-Cash Adjustment 3,954,000,000 3,874,000,000 3,803,000,000 3,745,000,000 3,223,000,000
+Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 1,616,000,000 -1,287,000,000 379,000,000 1,100,000,000 1,670,000,000 number
+Stock-Based Compensation, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Taxes, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Investment Income/Loss, Non-Cash Adjustment -14,000,000 64,000,000 -8,000,000 -255,000,000 392,000,000 2.21E+13
+Gain/Loss on Financial Instruments, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,225,000,000 2,806,000,000 -871,000,000 -1,233,000,000 1,702,000,000
+Other Non-Cash Items -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Changes in Operating Capital -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Receivables -399,000,000 -1,255,000,000 -199,000,000 7,000,000 -738,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Receivable 6,994,000,000 3,157,000,000 4,074,000,000 -4,956,000,000 6,938,000,000 Check
+Change in Other Current Assets 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Payables and Accrued Expenses 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Payables 5,837,000,000 2,919,000,000 4,204,000,000 -3,974,000,000 5,975,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Payable 368,000,000 272,000,000 -3,000,000 137,000,000 207,000,000
+Change in Accrued Expenses -3,369,000,000 3,041,000,000 -1,082,000,000 785,000,000 740,000,000
+-11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000 Total B22934637118600
+Change in Prepayments and Deposits -11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Investing Activities -6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+-6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+Purchase/Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment,
+Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Business, Net -4,348,000,000 -3,360,000,000 -3,293,000,000 2,195,000,000 -1,375,000,000
+Purchase/Acquisition of Business -40,860,000,000 -35,153,000,000 -24,949,000,000 -37,072,000,000 -36,955,000,000
+Purchase of Investments 36,512,000,000 31,793,000,000 21,656,000,000 39,267,000,000 35,580,000,000
+100,000,000 388,000,000 23,000,000 30,000,000 -57,000,000
+Other Investing Cash Flow -15,254,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Other Non-Current Assets, Net -16,511,000,000 -15,254,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Sales of Other Non-Current Assets -16,511,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Cash Flow from Financing Activities -13,473,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Financing Activities 13,473,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Issuance of/Payments for Common Stock, Net -42,000,000
+Payments for Common Stock 115,000,000 -42,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock 115,000,000 6,350,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Issuance of/Repayments for Debt, Net 6,250,000,000 -6,392,000,000 6,699,000,000 900,000,000 0
+Issuance of/Repayments for Long Term Debt, Net 6,365,000,000 -2,602,000,000 -7,741,000,000 -937,000,000 -57,000,000
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 2,923,000,000 -2,453,000,000 -2,184,000,000 -1,647,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance/Exercising of Stock Options/Warrants 0 300,000,000 10,000,000 3.38E+11
+Change in Cash 20,945,000,000 23,719,000,000 23,630,000,000 26,622,000,000 26,465,000,000
+Effect of Exchange Rate Changes 25930000000) 235000000000) -3,175,000,000 300,000,000 6,126,000,000
+Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period PAGE=""$USD(181000000000)"".XLS BRIN=""$USD(146000000000)"".XLS 183,000,000 -143,000,000 210,000,000
+Cash Flow Supplemental Section $23,719,000,000,000.00 $26,622,000,000,000.00 $26,465,000,000,000.00 $20,129,000,000,000.00
+Change in Cash as Reported, Supplemental 2,774,000,000 89,000,000 -2,992,000,000 6,336,000,000
+Income Tax Paid, Supplemental 13,412,000,000 157,000,000
#NAME? -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000
+Q4 2020 Q4 2019
+Due: 04/18/2022 388000000 23000000 30000000 -57000000
+Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019
+USD in ""000'""s
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 182527 161857
+Costs and expenses:
+Cost of revenues 84732 71896
+Research and development 27573 26018
+Sales and marketing 17946 18464
+General and administrative 11052 9551
+European Commission fines 0 1697
+Total costs and expenses 141303 127626
+Income from operations 41224 34231
+Other income (expense), net 6858000000 5394
+Income before income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Provision for income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Net income 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+ALPHABET 88-1303491
+DALLAS, TX 75235-8314
+Employee Id: 9999999998 IRS No. 000000000000
+PO BOX 1214, Rate Units Total YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 - - $70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Federal Withholding $0.00 $0.00
+Earnings FICA - Social Security $0.00 $8,853.60
+Commissions FICA - Medicare $0.00 $0.00
+FUTA $0.00 $0.00
+SUTA $0.00 $0.00
+EIN: 61-1767ID91:900037305581 SSN: 633441725
+$70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Earnings Statement
+YTD Taxes / Deductions Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1
+$8,853.60 $0.00
+YTD Net Pay Net Pay SSN Pay Schedule Pay Period Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023 Pay Date 18-Apr-22
+$70,842,736,146.40 $70,842,745,000.00 XXX-XX-1725 Annually
+PO BOX 1214,
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214
+15 $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Notice, see separate instructions. $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Cat. No. 11320B $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000 Request Date : 07-29-2022 Period Beginning: 37,151
+Form 1040 (2021) $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 Response Date : 07-29-2022 Period Ending: 44,833
#NAME? Tracking Number : 102393399156 Pay Date: 44,591
#NAME? Customer File Number : 132624428 ZACHRY T. WOOD
+Total Revenue as Reported, Supplemental $257,637,000,000.00 75,325,000,000 65,118,000,000 61,880,000,000 55,314,000,000 56,898,000,000 46,173,000,000 38,297,000,000 41,159,000,000 46,075,000,000 40,499,000,000 5,323 BRADFORD DR
+Total Operating Profit/Loss as Reported, Supplemental $78,714,000,000.00 21,885,000,000 21,031,000,000 19,361,000,000 16,437,000,000 15,651,000,000 11,213,000,000 6,383,000,000 7,977,000,000 9,266,000,000 9,177,000,000
+Reported Effective Tax Rate $0.16 0.179 0.157 0.158 0.158 0.159 0.119 0.181
+Reported Normalized Income 6,836,000,000 SSN Provided : XXX-XX-1725 DALLAS TX 75235-8314
+Reported Normalized Operating Profit 7,977,000,000 Tax Periood Requested : December, 2020
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2
+Basic EPS from Continuing Operations $113.88 31.12 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.46 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.47 10.2
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations $112.20 30.67 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.23 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.33 10.12
+Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 9.87
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2 1
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Basic WASO $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted WASO $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD
+Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 9.87
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2 1
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Basic WASO $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted WASO $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD
Issuing Entity "
Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting 6858000000
-+ PO BOX 1214, Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in
-+ dollars par share) 22677000000
-+ Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
-+ Fiscal year ends in Dec 31 | USD
-+ Rate
-+ Total
-+ 7567263607 ID 00037305581
-+ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
-+ Best Time to 911
-+ PO BOX 1214
-+ CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1214 9999999999
-+ 633-44-1725
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Califomia 94043
-+ EIN 61-1767919
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting 6858000000
-+ PO BOX 1214, Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in
-+ dollars par share) 22677000000
-+ Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
-+ Fiscal year ends in Dec 31 | USD
-+ Rate
-+ Total
-+ 7567263607 ID 00037305581
-+ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
-+ Best Time to 911
-+ PO BOX 1214
-+ CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1214 9999999999
-+ 633-44-1725
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Califomia 94043
-+ EIN 61-1767919
-+ Earnings FEIN 88-1303491
-+ End Date
-+ 44669
-+ Department of the Treasury Calendar Year
-+ Check Date
-+ Internal Revenue Service Due. (04/18/2022)
-+ _________________________________________________________________
-+ ______________________
-+ Tax Period Total Social Security Medicare
-+ IEIN: 88-1656495
-+ TxDL: 00037305580 SSN:
-+ REVENUE SERVICE PO BOX 1300, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 29200
-+ 39355 23906.09 10292.9 2407.21
-+ 20210418 39355 11247.64 4842.74 1132.57
-+ 39355 27198.5 11710.47 2738.73
-+ 39355 17028.05
-+ CP 575A (Rev. 2-2007) 99999999999 CP 575 A SS-4
-+ Earnings Statement
-+ IEIN: 88-1656496
-+ TxDL: 00037305581 SSN:
-+ Employee Information Pay to the order of ZACHRY T WOOD
-+ Earnings FEIN 88-1303491
-+ End Date
-+ 44669
-+ Department of the Treasury Calendar Year
-+ Check Date
-+ Internal Revenue Service Due. (04/18/2022)
-+ _________________________________________________________________
-+ ______________________
-+ Tax Period Total Social Security Medicare
-+ IEIN: 88-1656495
-+ TxDL: 00037305580 SSN:
-+ REVENUE SERVICE PO BOX 1300, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 29200
-+ 39355 23906.09 10292.9 2407.21
-+ 20210418 39355 11247.64 4842.74 1132.57
-+ 39355 27198.5 11710.47 2738.73
-+ 39355 17028.05
-+ CP 575A (Rev. 2-2007) 99999999999 CP 575 A SS-4
-+ Earnings Statement
-+ IEIN: 88-1656496
-+ TxDL: 00037305581 SSN:
-+ Employee Information Pay to the order of ZACHRY T WOOD
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, California 94043
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting 6858000000
-+ PO BOX 1214, Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in
-+ dollars par share) 22677000000
-+ Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
-+ Fiscal year ends in Dec 31 | USD
-+ Rate
-+ Total
-+ 7567263607 ID 00037305581
-+ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
-+ Best Time to 911
-+ PO BOX 1214
-+ CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1214 9999999999
-+ 633-44-1725
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Califomia 94043
-+ EIN 61-1767919
-+ Earnings FEIN 88-1303491
-+ End Date
-+ 44669
-+ Department of the Treasury Calendar Year
-+ Check Date
-+ Internal Revenue Service Due. (04/18/2022)
-+ _________________________________________________________________
-+ ______________________
-+ Tax Period Total Social Security Medicare
-+ IEIN: 88-1656495
-+ TxDL: 00037305580 SSN:
-+ REVENUE SERVICE PO BOX 1300, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 29200
-+ 39355 23906.09 10292.9 2407.21
-+ 20210418 39355 11247.64 4842.74 1132.57
-+ 39355 27198.5 11710.47 2738.73
-+ 39355 17028.05
-+ CP 575A (Rev. 2-2007) 99999999999 CP 575 A SS-4
-+ Earnings Statement
-+ IEIN: 88-1656496
-+ TxDL: 00037305581 SSN:
-+ Employee Information Pay to the order of ZACHRY T WOOD INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, *include interest paid, capital obligation, and underweighting 6858000000
-+ PO BOX 1214, Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 Diluted net income per share of Class A and Class B common stock and Class C capital stock (in
-+ dollars par share) 22677000000
-+ Basic net income per share of Class A and B common stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
-+ 22677000000
-+ Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
-+ Fiscal year ends in Dec 31 | USD
-+ Rate
-+ Total
-+ 7567263607 ID 00037305581
-+ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
-+ Best Time to 911
-+ PO BOX 1214
-+ CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1214 9999999999
-+ 633-44-1725
-+ MOUNTAIN VIEW, Califomia 94043
-+ EIN 61-1767919
-+ Earnings FEIN 88-1303491
-+ End Date
-+ 44669
-+ Department of the Treasury Calendar Year
-+ Check Date
-+ Internal Revenue Service Due. (04/18/2022)
-+ _________________________________________________________________
-+ ______________________
-+ Tax Period Total Social Security Medicare
-+ IEIN: 88-1656495
-+ TxDL: 00037305580 SSN:
-+ REVENUE SERVICE PO BOX 1300, CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 29200
-+ 39355 23906.09 10292.9 2407.21
-+ 20210418 39355 11247.64 4842.74 1132.57
-+ 39355 27198.5 11710.47 2738.73
-+ 39355 17028.05
-+ CP 575A (Rev. 2-2007) 99999999999 CP 575 A SS-4
-+ Earnings Statement
-+ IEIN: 88-1656496
-+ TxDL: 00037305581 SSN:
-+ Employee Information Pay to the order of ZACHRY T WOOD
© 2022 GitHub, Inc.
Footer navigation
"""70842745000 XXX-XX-1725 Earnings Statement FICA - Social Security 0 8854
Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1 FICA - Medicare 0 0
0 Rate Employer Taxes
Net Pay FUTA 0 0
70842745000 SUTA 0 0
This period YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Pay Schedulec 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Annually 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Units Q1 TTM Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Q3 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Q4 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
CHECK NO. FICA - Social Security 0 8854
20210418 FICA - Medicare 0 0
Mountain View, C.A. 94043 -
Taxable Maritial Status: Single -
+TX: 28
+Federal 941 Deposit Report
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 Local ID: Date of this notice: 44658
+EIN: 63-3441725State ID: 633441725 Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496
Employee NAumboeurn:T3 Form: SS-4
+Description 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022
+Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763.00 Display All
+1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) $26,661.80
+2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) $861,193,422,444.20 Hourly
+3. Federal Income Tax $8,385,561,229,657.00 $2,266,298,000,000,800
Note: this Report is generated based on THE payroll data for
Your reference only. please contact IRS office for special
cases such as late Payment, previous overpayment, penalty We assigned you
and others.
+Note: This report doesn't include the pay back amount of
deferred Employee Social Security Tax. Commission Please
Employer Customized Report 6.35-
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 88-1656496state ID: 633441725 State: All Local ID: 00037305581 $2,267,700.00
+EIN: Total Year to Date
Customized Report Amount
Employee Payment Report
+Employee Number: 3
+Wages, Tips and Other Compensation $22,662,983,361,013.70 Report Range: Tips
+Taxable SS Wages $215,014.49
Zachry Wood
SSN: xxx-xx-1725
Payment Summary Ledger balance Date Ledger balance
+Taxable Medicare Wages $22,662,983,361,013.70 Salary Vacation hourly OT
+Advanced EIC Payment $0.00 $3,361,013.70
+Federal Income Tax Withheld $8,385,561,229,657 Bonus $0.00 $0.00
+Employee SS Tax Withheld $13,330.90 $0.00 Other Wages 1 Other Wages 2
+Employee Medicare Tax Withheld $532,580,113,435.53 Total $0.00 $0.00
+State Income Tax Withheld $0.00 $22,662,983,361,013.70
+Customized Employer Tax Report $0.00 Deduction Summary
+Employer Medicare Tax $13,330.90 $0.00
+Federal Unemployment Tax $328,613,309,008.67 Tax Summary
+State Unemployment Tax $441.70 Federal Tax Total Tax
+Customized Deduction Report $840 $8,385,561,229,657@3,330.90 Local Tax
+Health Insurance $0.00
+401K $0.00 Advanced EIC Payment $8,918,141,356,423.43
+$0.00 $0.00 Total
+$0.00 $0.00
+$532,580,113,050) 6.35- 6.35- 1-800-829-4933
+3/6/2022 at 6:37 PM
+Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021 Q4 2020
+GOOGL_income-statement_Quarterly_As_Originally_Reported 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 37,497,000,000 31,211,000,000 30,818,000,000
+24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Cash Flow from Operating Activities, Indirect 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Net Cash Flow from Continuing Operating Activities, Indirect 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 Service Charges and Fees 1 36
+Cash Generated from Operating Activities 6,517,000,000 3,797,000,000 4,236,000,000 2,592,000,000 5,748,000,000
+Income/Loss before Non-Cash Adjustment 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Total Adjustments for Non-Cash Items 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Adjustment 3,215,000,000 3,085,000,000 2,730,000,000 2,525,000,000 3,539,000,000 2.21169E+13
+Depreciation and Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 224,000,000 219,000,000 215,000,000 228,000,000 186,000,000
+Depreciation, Non-Cash Adjustment 3,954,000,000 3,874,000,000 3,803,000,000 3,745,000,000 3,223,000,000
+Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 1,616,000,000 -1,287,000,000 379,000,000 1,100,000,000 1,670,000,000 number
+Stock-Based Compensation, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Taxes, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Investment Income/Loss, Non-Cash Adjustment -14,000,000 64,000,000 -8,000,000 -255,000,000 392,000,000 2.21169E+13
+Gain/Loss on Financial Instruments, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,225,000,000 2,806,000,000 -871,000,000 -1,233,000,000 1,702,000,000
+Other Non-Cash Items -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Changes in Operating Capital -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Receivables -399,000,000 -1,255,000,000 -199,000,000 7,000,000 -738,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Receivable 6,994,000,000 3,157,000,000 4,074,000,000 -4,956,000,000 6,938,000,000 Check
+Change in Other Current Assets 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Payables and Accrued Expenses 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Payables 5,837,000,000 2,919,000,000 4,204,000,000 -3,974,000,000 5,975,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Payable 368,000,000 272,000,000 -3,000,000 137,000,000 207,000,000
+Change in Accrued Expenses -3,369,000,000 3,041,000,000 -1,082,000,000 785,000,000 740,000,000
+-11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000 Total B22934637118600
+Change in Prepayments and Deposits -11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Investing Activities -6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+-6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+Purchase/Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment,
+Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Business, Net -4,348,000,000 -3,360,000,000 -3,293,000,000 2,195,000,000 -1,375,000,000
+Purchase/Acquisition of Business -40,860,000,000 -35,153,000,000 -24,949,000,000 -37,072,000,000 -36,955,000,000
+Purchase of Investments 36,512,000,000 31,793,000,000 21,656,000,000 39,267,000,000 35,580,000,000
+100,000,000 388,000,000 23,000,000 30,000,000 -57,000,000
+Other Investing Cash Flow -15,254,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Other Non-Current Assets, Net -16,511,000,000 -15,254,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Sales of Other Non-Current Assets -16,511,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Cash Flow from Financing Activities -13,473,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Financing Activities 13,473,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Issuance of/Payments for Common Stock, Net -42,000,000
+Payments for Common Stock 115,000,000 -42,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock 115,000,000 6,350,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Issuance of/Repayments for Debt, Net 6,250,000,000 -6,392,000,000 6,699,000,000 900,000,000 0
+Issuance of/Repayments for Long Term Debt, Net 6,365,000,000 -2,602,000,000 -7,741,000,000 -937,000,000 -57,000,000
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 2,923,000,000 -2,453,000,000 -2,184,000,000 -1,647,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance/Exercising of Stock Options/Warrants 0 300,000,000 10,000,000 3.38E+11
+Change in Cash 20,945,000,000 23,719,000,000 23,630,000,000 26,622,000,000 26,465,000,000
+Effect of Exchange Rate Changes 25930000000) 235000000000) -3,175,000,000 300,000,000 6,126,000,000
+Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period PAGE=""""$USD(181000000000)"""".XLS BRIN=""""$USD(146000000000)"""".XLS 183,000,000 -143,000,000 210,000,000
+Cash Flow Supplemental Section $23,719,000,000,000.00 $26,622,000,000,000.00 $26,465,000,000,000.00 $20,129,000,000,000.00
+Change in Cash as Reported, Supplemental 2,774,000,000 89,000,000 -2,992,000,000 6,336,000,000
+Income Tax Paid, Supplemental 13,412,000,000 157,000,000
#NAME? -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000
+Q4 2020 Q4 2019
+Due: 04/18/2022 388000000 23000000 30000000 -57000000
+Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019
+USD in """"000'""""s
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 182527 161857
+Costs and expenses:
+Cost of revenues 84732 71896
+Research and development 27573 26018
+Sales and marketing 17946 18464
+General and administrative 11052 9551
+European Commission fines 0 1697
+Total costs and expenses 141303 127626
+Income from operations 41224 34231
+Other income (expense), net 6858000000 5394
+Income before income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Provision for income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Net income 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+ALPHABET 88-1303491
+DALLAS, TX 75235-8314
+Employee Id: 9999999998 IRS No. 000000000000
+PO BOX 1214, Rate Units Total YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 - - $70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Federal Withholding $0.00 $0.00
+Earnings FICA - Social Security $0.00 $8,853.60
+Commissions FICA - Medicare $0.00 $0.00
+FUTA $0.00 $0.00
+SUTA $0.00 $0.00
+EIN: 61-1767ID91:900037305581 SSN: 633441725
+$70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Earnings Statement
+YTD Taxes / Deductions Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1
+$8,853.60 $0.00
+YTD Net Pay Net Pay SSN Pay Schedule Pay Period Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023 Pay Date 18-Apr-22
+$70,842,736,146.40 $70,842,745,000.00 XXX-XX-1725 Annually
+PO BOX 1214,
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214
+15 $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Notice, see separate instructions. $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Cat. No. 11320B $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000 Request Date : 07-29-2022 Period Beginning: 37,151
+Form 1040 (2021) $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 Response Date : 07-29-2022 Period Ending: 44,833
#NAME? Tracking Number : 102393399156 Pay Date: 44,591
#NAME? Customer File Number : 132624428 ZACHRY T. WOOD
+Total Revenue as Reported, Supplemental $257,637,000,000.00 75,325,000,000 65,118,000,000 61,880,000,000 55,314,000,000 56,898,000,000 46,173,000,000 38,297,000,000 41,159,000,000 46,075,000,000 40,499,000,000 5,323 BRADFORD DR
+Total Operating Profit/Loss as Reported, Supplemental $78,714,000,000.00 21,885,000,000 21,031,000,000 19,361,000,000 16,437,000,000 15,651,000,000 11,213,000,000 6,383,000,000 7,977,000,000 9,266,000,000 9,177,000,000
+Reported Effective Tax Rate $0.16 0.179 0.157 0.158 0.158 0.159 0.119 0.181
+Reported Normalized Income 6,836,000,000 SSN Provided : XXX-XX-1725 DALLAS TX 75235-8314
+Reported Normalized Operating Profit 7,977,000,000 Tax Periood Requested : December, 2020
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2
+Basic EPS from Continuing Operations $113.88 31.12 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.46 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.47 10.2
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations $112.20 30.67 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.23 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.33 10.12
+Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 9.87
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2 1
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Basic WASO $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted WASO $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD ""
70842745000 XXX-XX-1725 Earnings Statement FICA - Social Security 0 8854
Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1 FICA - Medicare 0 00/01/1900
0 Rate Employer Taxes
Net Pay FUTA 0 0
70842745000 SUTA 0 0
This period YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Pay Schedulec 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Annually 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Units Q1 TTM Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
Q3 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
Q4 70842745000 70842745000 Federal Withholding 0 0
CHECK NO. FICA - Social Security 0 8854
20210418 FICA - Medicare 0 0
Mountain View, C.A. 94043 -
Taxable Maritial Status: Single -
+TX: 28
+Federal 941 Deposit Report
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 Local ID: Date of this notice: 44658
+EIN: 63-3441725State ID: 633441725 Employer Identification Number: 88-1656496
Employee NAumboeurn:T3 Form: SS-4
+Description 5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022
+Payment Amount (Total) $9,246,754,678,763.00 Display All
+1. Social Security (Employee + Employer) $26,661.80
+2. Medicare (Employee + Employer) $861,193,422,444.20 Hourly
+3. Federal Income Tax $8,385,561,229,657.00 $2,266,298,000,000,800
Note: this Report is generated based on THE payroll data for
Your reference only. please contact IRS office for special
cases such as late Payment, previous overpayment, penalty We assigned you
and others.
+Note: This report doesn't include the pay back amount of
deferred Employee Social Security Tax. Commission Please
Employer Customized Report 6.35-
+Report Range5/4/2022 - 6/4/2022 88-1656496state ID: 633441725 State: All Local ID: 00037305581 $2,267,700.00
+EIN: Total Year to Date
Customized Report Amount
Employee Payment Report
+Employee Number: 3
+Wages, Tips and Other Compensation $22,662,983,361,013.70 Report Range: Tips
+Taxable SS Wages $215,014.49
Zachry Wood
SSN: xxx-xx-1725
Payment Summary Ledger balance Date Ledger balance
+Taxable Medicare Wages $22,662,983,361,013.70 Salary Vacation hourly OT
+Advanced EIC Payment $0.00 $3,361,013.70
+Federal Income Tax Withheld $8,385,561,229,657 Bonus $0.00 $0.00
+Employee SS Tax Withheld $13,330.90 $0.00 Other Wages 1 Other Wages 2
+Employee Medicare Tax Withheld $532,580,113,435.53 Total $0.00 $0.00
+State Income Tax Withheld $0.00 $22,662,983,361,013.70
+Customized Employer Tax Report $0.00 Deduction Summary
+Employer Medicare Tax $13,330.90 $0.00
+Federal Unemployment Tax $328,613,309,008.67 Tax Summary
+State Unemployment Tax $441.70 Federal Tax Total Tax
+Customized Deduction Report $840 $8,385,561,229,657@3,330.90 Local Tax
+Health Insurance $0.00
+401K $0.00 Advanced EIC Payment $8,918,141,356,423.43
+$0.00 $0.00 Total
+$0.00 $0.00
+$532,580,113,050) 6.35- 6.35- 1-800-829-4933
+3/6/2022 at 6:37 PM
+Q4 2021 Q3 2021 Q2 2021 Q1 2021 Q4 2020
+GOOGL_income<6D>statement_Quarterly_As_Originally_Reported 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 37,497,000,000 31,211,000,000 30,818,000,000
+24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Cash Flow from Operating Activities, Indirect 24,934,000,000 25,539,000,000 21,890,000,000 19,289,000,000 22,677,000,000
+Net Cash Flow from Continuing Operating Activities, Indirect 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 Service Charges and Fees 1 36
+Cash Generated from Operating Activities 6,517,000,000 3,797,000,000 4,236,000,000 2,592,000,000 5,748,000,000
+Income/Loss before Non-Cash Adjustment 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Total Adjustments for Non-Cash Items 3,439,000,000 3,304,000,000 2,945,000,000 2,753,000,000 3,725,000,000
+Adjustment 3,215,000,000 3,085,000,000 2,730,000,000 2,525,000,000 3,539,000,000 2.21E+13
+Depreciation and Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 224,000,000 219,000,000 215,000,000 228,000,000 186,000,000
+Depreciation, Non-Cash Adjustment 3,954,000,000 3,874,000,000 3,803,000,000 3,745,000,000 3,223,000,000
+Amortization, Non-Cash Adjustment 1,616,000,000 -1,287,000,000 379,000,000 1,100,000,000 1,670,000,000 number
+Stock-Based Compensation, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Taxes, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,478,000,000 -2,158,000,000 -2,883,000,000 -4,751,000,000 -3,262,000,000
+Investment Income/Loss, Non-Cash Adjustment -14,000,000 64,000,000 -8,000,000 -255,000,000 392,000,000 2.21E+13
+Gain/Loss on Financial Instruments, Non-Cash Adjustment -2,225,000,000 2,806,000,000 -871,000,000 -1,233,000,000 1,702,000,000
+Other Non-Cash Items -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Changes in Operating Capital -5,819,000,000 -2,409,000,000 -3,661,000,000 2,794,000,000 -5,445,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Receivables -399,000,000 -1,255,000,000 -199,000,000 7,000,000 -738,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Receivable 6,994,000,000 3,157,000,000 4,074,000,000 -4,956,000,000 6,938,000,000 Check
+Change in Other Current Assets 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Payables and Accrued Expenses 1,157,000,000 238,000,000 -130,000,000 -982,000,000 963,000,000
+Change in Trade and Other Payables 5,837,000,000 2,919,000,000 4,204,000,000 -3,974,000,000 5,975,000,000
+Change in Trade/Accounts Payable 368,000,000 272,000,000 -3,000,000 137,000,000 207,000,000
+Change in Accrued Expenses -3,369,000,000 3,041,000,000 -1,082,000,000 785,000,000 740,000,000
+-11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000 Total B22934637118600
+Change in Prepayments and Deposits -11,016,000,000 -10,050,000,000 -9,074,000,000 -5,383,000,000 -7,281,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Investing Activities -6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+-6,383,000,000 -6,819,000,000 -5,496,000,000 -5,942,000,000 -5,479,000,000
+Purchase/Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment,
+Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Sale and Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment -385,000,000 -259,000,000 -308,000,000 -1,666,000,000 -370,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Business, Net -4,348,000,000 -3,360,000,000 -3,293,000,000 2,195,000,000 -1,375,000,000
+Purchase/Acquisition of Business -40,860,000,000 -35,153,000,000 -24,949,000,000 -37,072,000,000 -36,955,000,000
+Purchase of Investments 36,512,000,000 31,793,000,000 21,656,000,000 39,267,000,000 35,580,000,000
+100,000,000 388,000,000 23,000,000 30,000,000 -57,000,000
+Other Investing Cash Flow -15,254,000,000
+Purchase/Sale of Other Non-Current Assets, Net -16,511,000,000 -15,254,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Sales of Other Non-Current Assets -16,511,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -15,991,000,000 -13,606,000,000 -9,270,000,000
+Cash Flow from Financing Activities -13,473,000,000 -12,610,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Cash Flow from Continuing Financing Activities 13,473,000,000 -12,796,000,000 -11,395,000,000 -7,904,000,000
+Issuance of/Payments for Common Stock, Net -42,000,000
+Payments for Common Stock 115,000,000 -42,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock 115,000,000 6,350,000,000 -1,042,000,000 -37,000,000 -57,000,000
+Issuance of/Repayments for Debt, Net 6,250,000,000 -6,392,000,000 6,699,000,000 900,000,000 0
+Issuance of/Repayments for Long Term Debt, Net 6,365,000,000 -2,602,000,000 -7,741,000,000 -937,000,000 -57,000,000
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 2,923,000,000 -2,453,000,000 -2,184,000,000 -1,647,000,000
+Proceeds from Issuance/Exercising of Stock Options/Warrants 0 300,000,000 10,000,000 3.38E+11
+Change in Cash 20,945,000,000 23,719,000,000 23,630,000,000 26,622,000,000 26,465,000,000
+Effect of Exchange Rate Changes 25930000000) 235000000000) -3,175,000,000 300,000,000 6,126,000,000
+Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period PAGE=""$USD(181000000000)"".XLS BRIN=""$USD(146000000000)"".XLS 183,000,000 -143,000,000 210,000,000
+Cash Flow Supplemental Section $23,719,000,000,000.00 $26,622,000,000,000.00 $26,465,000,000,000.00 $20,129,000,000,000.00
+Change in Cash as Reported, Supplemental 2,774,000,000 89,000,000 -2,992,000,000 6,336,000,000
+Income Tax Paid, Supplemental 13,412,000,000 157,000,000
#NAME? -6819000000 -5496000000 -5942000000 -5479000000
+Q4 2020 Q4 2019
+Due: 04/18/2022 388000000 23000000 30000000 -57000000
+Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019
+USD in ""000'""s
+Repayments for Long Term Debt 182527 161857
+Costs and expenses:
+Cost of revenues 84732 71896
+Research and development 27573 26018
+Sales and marketing 17946 18464
+General and administrative 11052 9551
+European Commission fines 0 1697
+Total costs and expenses 141303 127626
+Income from operations 41224 34231
+Other income (expense), net 6858000000 5394
+Income before income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Provision for income taxes 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+Net income 22,677,000,000 19,289,000,000
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+stock and Class C capital stock (in dollars par share)
+ALPHABET 88-1303491
+DALLAS, TX 75235-8314
+Employee Id: 9999999998 IRS No. 000000000000
+PO BOX 1214, Rate Units Total YTD Taxes / Deductions Current YTD
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214 - - $70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Federal Withholding $0.00 $0.00
+Earnings FICA - Social Security $0.00 $8,853.60
+Commissions FICA - Medicare $0.00 $0.00
+FUTA $0.00 $0.00
+SUTA $0.00 $0.00
+EIN: 61-1767ID91:900037305581 SSN: 633441725
+$70,842,745,000.00 $70,842,745,000.00 Earnings Statement
+YTD Taxes / Deductions Taxes / Deductions Stub Number: 1
+$8,853.60 $0.00
+YTD Net Pay Net Pay SSN Pay Schedule Pay Period Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 29, 2023 Pay Date 18-Apr-22
+$70,842,736,146.40 $70,842,745,000.00 XXX-XX-1725 Annually
+PO BOX 1214,
+CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1214
+15 $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Notice, see separate instructions. $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000
+Cat. No. 11320B $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 18,525,000,000 17,930,000,000 15,227,000,000 11,247,000,000 6,959,000,000 6,836,000,000 10,671,000,000 7,068,000,000 Request Date : 07-29-2022 Period Beginning: 37,151
+Form 1040 (2021) $76,033,000,000.00 20,642,000,000 18,936,000,000 Response Date : 07-29-2022 Period Ending: 44,833
#NAME? Tracking Number : 102393399156 Pay Date: 44,591
#NAME? Customer File Number : 132624428 ZACHRY T. WOOD
+Total Revenue as Reported, Supplemental $257,637,000,000.00 75,325,000,000 65,118,000,000 61,880,000,000 55,314,000,000 56,898,000,000 46,173,000,000 38,297,000,000 41,159,000,000 46,075,000,000 40,499,000,000 5,323 BRADFORD DR
+Total Operating Profit/Loss as Reported, Supplemental $78,714,000,000.00 21,885,000,000 21,031,000,000 19,361,000,000 16,437,000,000 15,651,000,000 11,213,000,000 6,383,000,000 7,977,000,000 9,266,000,000 9,177,000,000
+Reported Effective Tax Rate $0.16 0.179 0.157 0.158 0.158 0.159 0.119 0.181
+Reported Normalized Income 6,836,000,000 SSN Provided : XXX-XX-1725 DALLAS TX 75235-8314
+Reported Normalized Operating Profit 7,977,000,000 Tax Periood Requested : December, 2020
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2
+Basic EPS from Continuing Operations $113.88 31.12 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.46 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.47 10.2
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations $112.20 30.67 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.23 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.33 10.12
+Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 9.87
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2 1
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Basic WASO $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted WASO $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD
+Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Reported Normalized Diluted EPS 9.87
+Basic EPS $113.88 31.15 28.44 27.69 26.63 22.54 16.55 10.21 9.96 15.49 10.2 1
+Diluted EPS $112.20 30.69 27.99 27.26 26.29 22.3 16.4 10.13 9.87 15.35 10.12
+Basic WASO $667,650,000.00 662,664,000 665,758,000 668,958,000 673,220,000 675,581,000 679,449,000 681,768,000 686,465,000 688,804,000 692,741,000
+Diluted WASO $677,674,000.00 672,493,000 676,519,000 679,612,000 682,071,000 682,969,000 685,851,000 687,024,000 692,267,000 695,193,000 698,199,000
+Fiscal year end September 28th., 2022. | USD