import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import * as core from "@actions/core"; import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai"; import { Octokit } from "@octokit/rest"; import parseDiff, { Chunk, File } from "parse-diff"; import minimatch from "minimatch"; const GITHUB_TOKEN: string = core.getInput("GITHUB_TOKEN"); const OPENAI_API_KEY: string = core.getInput("OPENAI_API_KEY"); const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: GITHUB_TOKEN }); const configuration = new Configuration({ apiKey: OPENAI_API_KEY, }); const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration); interface PRDetails { owner: string; repo: string; pull_number: number; } async function getPRDetails(): Promise { const { repository, number } = JSON.parse( readFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_PATH || "", "utf8") ); return { owner: repository.owner.login, repo:, pull_number: number, }; } async function getDiff( owner: string, repo: string, pull_number: number ): Promise { const response = await octokit.pulls.get({ owner, repo, pull_number, mediaType: { format: "diff" }, }); // @ts-expect-error - is a string return; } async function analyzeCode( parsedDiff: File[] ): Promise> { const comments: Array<{ body: string; path: string; line: number }> = []; for (const file of parsedDiff) { for (const chunk of file.chunks) { const prompt = createPrompt(file, chunk); const aiResponse = await getAIResponse(prompt); if (aiResponse) { const comment = createComment(file, chunk, aiResponse); if (comment) { comments.push(comment); } } } } return comments; } function createPrompt(file: File, chunk: Chunk): string { return ` Review the following code changes in the file "${ }" and provide comments and suggestions ONLY if there is something to improve. If the code looks good, DO NOT return any text (leave the response completely empty) ${chunk.content} ${chunk.changes .map((c) => (c.type === "add" ? "+" : "-") + " " + c.content) .join("\n")} `; } async function getAIResponse(prompt: string): Promise { const queryConfig = { model: "gpt-4", temperature: 0.2, max_tokens: 400, top_p: 1, frequency_penalty: 0, presence_penalty: 0, }; try { const response = await openai.createChatCompletion({ ...queryConfig, messages: [ { role: "system", content: prompt, }, ], }); return[0].message?.content?.trim() || null; } catch (error) { console.error("Error:", error); return null; } } function createComment( file: File, chunk: Chunk, aiResponse: string ): { body: string; path: string; line: number } | null { const lastAddChange = [...chunk.changes] .reverse() .find((c) => c.type === "add"); if (lastAddChange && { return { body: aiResponse, path:, // @ts-expect-error below properties exists on AddChange line: lastAddChange.ln || lastAddChange.ln1, }; } return null; } async function createReviewComment( owner: string, repo: string, pull_number: number, comments: Array<{ body: string; path: string; line: number }> ): Promise { await octokit.pulls.createReview({ owner, repo, pull_number, comments, event: "COMMENT", }); } (async function main() { const prDetails = await getPRDetails(); const diff = await getDiff( prDetails.owner, prDetails.repo, prDetails.pull_number ); if (!diff) { console.log("No diff found"); return; } const parsedDiff = parseDiff(diff); const excludePatterns = core .getInput("exclude") .split(",") .map((s) => s.trim()); const filteredDiff = parsedDiff.filter((file) => { return !excludePatterns.some((pattern) => minimatch( ?? "", pattern) ); }); const comments = await analyzeCode(filteredDiff); if (comments.length > 0) { await createReviewComment( prDetails.owner, prDetails.repo, prDetails.pull_number, comments ); } })().catch((error) => { console.error("Error:", error); process.exit(1); });